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Monday 12 March 2012

A Life Full of Questions - Am I a Saint or a Disciplined Person? Or Neither.

Tomb of St Valerie
Living "The Life I've Always Wanted." has given me too many questions this week. Jesus challenged the Pharisees, the keepers of the law just as much as he challenged those who did not keep the law.

Firstly am I a disciplined person? Am I one who can do what is right, at the right time, in the right way whilst acting with the right Spirit or am I like the Pharisees, sticking to all those rules, schedules and thou shalt do lists and earning lots of points? (I must admit I do like schedules and lists and post in notes - they work for me).

Last weekend a mother visiting to collect her son from my house presented me with a plant and a box of biscuits. "Thank you" I said "What is this for?" "Well" she said "I think you're a Saint."  So Am I a Saint? If I am, which one am I. My Saintliness was born out of the fact that I had hosted a 4 piece heavy metal band for the weekend, one of whom was my son, they had camped out in the spare lounge all weekend, playing music and eating us out of house and home. I googled Saints - and decided I must be the Saint of Heavy Metal.

Then followed my third question - Why did I do this Saintly deed? Because I am a parent and I love my son. And there it was question number four.... What do we do for those we love? We get up all hours, wait up all hours, go out in all weathers, we comfort, care for, provide for, discipline, defend, the list is endless. So now the answer to these endless questions....

Am I disciplined? I hope so; I hope I do things out of my love for Jesus and not out of the Pharisees rules.

Am I a Saint? I don't think so, I am definitely not the Saint of Heavy Metal whom I have just discovered is Fredrich Nietzsche (another story there I think). However I did discover a St Valerie who came to a tragic end.
My "Saintly deeds" are born out of LOVE for those I Love.

But God loves us even more. His LOVE is FREE, His LOVE gives me SALVATION. His LOVE for me cost him his life. I know how much I love my SON but GOD loves us so much more.

1 John 2:15 (Message Bible)
Don't love the World's way.
Don't love the World's goods.
Love of the World squeezes out Love of the Father.